Exhibition - 2 0 0 9 ~ 2 0 0 8
09.11.7.~12.6. "Art Session - Tsukuba 2009" in JP
09.10.20.~11.6. "NewTown Picnic" in JP
09.7.27. "Workshop at the Sidney Nolan Trust" in UK
09.9.26.~10.4. "S.N.T. - Sculpture at the Rodd" in UK
09.8.1.~8.30. "Milestone Project - stone carving program" the Edinburgh college of Art in UK
09.10.26~11.9. "NewTown Paradise" in JP
08. 9.28~11.30 "Amabiki 2008" outdoor in JP
08.6.9. - 6.28. "Solo Exhibition" Gallery Yamaguchi and Gallery Tokyo Humanite in Tokyo
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Copyright © Atsuo Okamoto
Exhibition - 2 0 0 9 ~ 2 0 0 8