Sometime, I make sculptures of rough shape of cat, when I have free time. I call these cat by stray cat. Because I like feeling of stray cat that is wild, free also individual. They are not so easy to get along their life, but they have the most important thing that they are free. They are walking and sleeping on the grass, on the street in somewhere on the earth.
I would rather be a stray cat than a lion in a zoo.
Stray cat in Saint Paul city Minnesota USA. Black granite
Sometime, I make sculptures of rough shape of cat, when I have free time. I call these cat by stray cat. Because I like feeling of stray cat that is wild, free also individual.
They are not so easy to get along their life, but they have the most important thing that they are free.
They are walking and sleeping on the grass, on the street in somewhere on the earth.
I would rather be a stray cat than a lion in a zoo.
Stray cat in Saint Paul city Minnesota USA.
Black granite
Stray cat in Sidney Nolan Trust UK.
Sand stone
Stray cat 2009 in Japan.

Black granite
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