The 4th April 2007 It came the SAKURA season means cherry blossom season. It was very warm winter, so there wasn't strong impact which likes a big explosion of light pink color. But we like SAKURA anyway. The Meteorological Agency have reported almost day after day since middle of March when cherry blossom start flowering, it is a special Japanese custom. Because the people have been waiting SAKURA, and we have had a habit of doing feast under the cherry blossom. I and my colleagues had a cherry blossom feast in last Sunday. Although it is almost 60% flowering. Many friends came, ate, drank and talked from noon till night.There is one rule of which each person have to bring one dish, so we got almost 30 dishes also very delicious.
Next day, I would like to have a small feast with my students of J.B. university in front of my house, there are old cherry trees beside a pond where faced my house. These cherry trees are very old, and came into blossom secretly in spring. Unfortunately it started raine at night, we had to move inside house. Although we regretted that we couldn't see cherry blossoms this night, I thought young people don't need any flowers actually, because they are flowers themselves. We had flower feast through the night.
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SAKURA feast
It came the SAKURA season means cherry blossom season.
It was very warm winter, so there wasn't strong impact which likes a big explosion of light pink color. But we like SAKURA anyway.
The Meteorological Agency have reported almost day after day since middle of March when cherry blossom start flowering, it is a special Japanese custom. Because the people have been waiting SAKURA, and we have had a habit of doing feast under the cherry blossom.
I and my colleagues had a cherry blossom feast in last Sunday.
Although it is almost 60% flowering. Many friends came, ate, drank and talked from noon till night.There is one rule of which each person have to bring one dish, so we got almost 30 dishes also very delicious.
Next day, I would like to have a small feast with my students of J.B. university in front of my house, there are old cherry trees beside a pond where faced my house.
Unfortunately it started raine at night, we had to move inside house.
Although we regretted that we couldn't see cherry blossoms this night, I thought young people don't need any flowers actually, because they are flowers themselves.
We had flower feast through the night.