I started drill hole works from 2006. I make holes at first, then I make shapes just followed holes. Stone is a material for keeping the hole in this series.
These works in the following were shown in 2008 at a gallery.
"Forest Y - 2" white granite,217 cm(h) "Forest Y - 3" white granite,136 cm(L) "Forest Y - 4" black granite,64.5 cm(L) "Forest Y - 5" black granite,69 cm(L)
"Forest Y - 1" white granite,199 cm(L)
"Forest Y - 6" white granite,75 cm(h)
"FOREST- planet 1 & 2" basalt boulder, 1m (cube for each) at Yorkshire Sculpture Park (UK)
"FOREST- planet 3" black granite boulder, 1m (cube) at Hirasawakanga ruins (JP)
"FOREST- planet 3", "FOREST- planet 2011-1" & "FOREST- planet 2011- 2" black granite boulder, 1.5m (cube) at Warwick University Art Center (UK)
Atsuo OKAMOTO "Forest" exhibition at the Chelsea College of Art (London)
"living in a deep forest - excavation 2012" "Beginning of a forest - excavation 2012-1"
"A piece of forest - flying dream -1" 2012
"fossil - 1", "fossil - 2" and "fossil - 3" / 2014 / white granite and andesite "fossil - 4" / 2014 /black basalt "excavation-F.P." / 2014 / white granite
"excavation of breath" 2015
"an excavation BB-No.27" 2016 / black basalt "an excavation BB-No.27" 2016 / black basalt
"an excavation BB-No.27" 2016 / black basalt from the left side "a fossil BG" / black granite, "a fossil LS" / lime stone, "a fossil WG" / white granite, all in 2016
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