"UNIT" situation

"UNIT A.LB. '9910 s=1/1 ri" on the1999, white granite

the 3rd "Amabiki-Village and Sculpture". It was installed in Bush

unit a.lb.9910 ri

"UNIT position" on the 2001 white granite

the 4th "Ambiki-Village and Sculpture". It was painted following stuation of the grove.

unit ha
unit ha

"UNIT A.LB. position" on the 2001, white granite

the 4th "Ambiki-Village and Sculpture". It was placed in a barley field.

unit ha

"UNIT A.LB. '03 s*1.25 co" on the 2003, sand-stone

It was installed at the Bitburg-city in Germany. there is a big transformer station near the "UNIT". I put five long copper tubes into the stone which were put into many paper cranes that were made by high-shcool students and citizens.

It's possible to see the point where UNIT has been standing by GoogleMap.


"UNIT 2003 M", "UNIT 2003 W", "UNIT 2003 B" on the 2003
marble, white granite, black granite

the 5th "Ambiki-Village and Sculpture". I installed UNITs in a deserted house. A marble UNIT was placed under the eaves in warehouse, a white granite UNIT was placed in the garden and a black granite UNIT was placed in the barn.


Copyright © Atsuo Okamoto